Refugee Rights in Countries Surrounding Ukraine
Know your rights!
people in labour exploitation
Fleeing the war in Ukraine and heading for the European Union? Find out essential information about your rights when crossing the border into an EU country.

Worker’s Right
Fleeing the war in Ukraine and heading for the European Union? Find out essential information about your rights when crossing the border into an EU country.

Temporary protection
If you have lived permanently in Ukraine and left the country to escape war from 24 February 2022, you may be entitled to temporary protection in any EU country. The temporary protection will last at least one year, and may be extended depending on the situation in Ukraine.

Access to the labor market
Persons granted temporary protection should be able to carry out professional activities, whether employed or self-employed, have access to vocational training and benefit from equal treatment with workers in the respective Member States in terms of remuneration and other conditions.

Support for education
According to estimates, almost half of the refugees in Ukraine are school-aged children. Returning to the education system will reduce some of their stress, give them a sense of stability and normalcy, and allow them to look more confidently to the future.

Access to healthcare in the EU
People coming from Ukraine should have ample access to health benefits and be integrated into the public healthcare system of the host Member State. Ukrainian health workers can play an important role in meeting the new needs if their qualifications are quickly recognized.

Access to accommodation and housing
Immediate accommodation is provided by authorities or charities. The Temporary Protection Directive provides for the right to adequate accommodation and housing. Therefore, sustainable solutions must be found in the medium term, combining the public reception system with private accommodation offers.

Child protection
All children leaving Ukraine and arriving in the EU should have full access to their rights without discrimination. They must also be able to benefit from the necessary psychological support, medical assistance and access to education. Special attention should be given to unaccompanied children. It is important that they are registered immediately upon arrival and receive full and safe support.
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project implemented by
with the support of
Project implemented by eLiberare with the support of Mercy Corps.